Sunday, December 16, 2012

New News

After much work, my first semester at RISD has concluded and I am recovering from the Bauhaus structured framework. I never knew that I could do as much as I have these past few weeks. In California I was granted 3 months to create 3 projects and here I do 3 in 3 weeks. I have never been so pushed or so rewarded in all my life. As García says, we are at an artists Fight Club. Below, a Bauhaus poster, color lithograph by Joost Schmidt.

In coming up for air after finals there have also been significant happenings the least of which has been being named a winner for a site specific work here at the RISD Museum which will be on display from February through June. This exhibit entitled Sitings had two winners and García and I were pleased to be one of the winning teams. The other is a 2nd year female grad student, also from the sculpture department. Not too damn shabby for a pair of Sophomores. Below is a "sketch" model for the project. The finished work will be much larger (7-8 feet tall by 5 feet wide) and will be fluorescent pink.

The work that we submitted is a massive triangular tessellation which will be viewable from Benefit Street in front of the Radeke entrance to the museum. It will all be crafted from 1/4 steel rod and will be bright pink. The work is titled Waiting for Godot and has it's roots in the struggle for LGBTQ equality in this country. Our President John Maeda is shown walking out of the Radeke galleries and our sculpture will be in the background to the right of him.

We couldn't be more proud to be chosen for this honor. This will be my second work shown at a museum, the first one being my sculptural painting "Continua" which won entrance into a juried show at the deyoung Museum last Spring.

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